
[Udemy] The Practice of Enterprise Architecture. Part I [Svyatoslav Kotusev]

Цена: 120 РУБ
Организатор: Robot
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[Udemy] The Practice of Enterprise Architecture. Part I [Svyatoslav Kotusev]

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Чему вы научитесь:
Understand the role of IT in modern organizations and the problem of business and IT alignment
Understand the concept of enterprise architecture as a solution to the problem of alignment
Know the role of enterprise architecture practice in organizations and the historical origin of modern EA best practices
Understand the conceptual analogy between enterprise architecture and city planning practices

Understand the intricacies of the dialog between business and IT stakeholders in organizations
Know the three key processes constituting enterprise architecture practice in organizations
Understand the relationship between IT initiatives and enterprise architecture practice
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Похожие складчины
  • в разделе: Программирование
  • в разделе: Программирование
  • в разделе: Программирование
  • в разделе: Программирование
  • в разделе: Программирование

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