
Иллюстрация и дизайн ювелирных украшений. Часть 1 [Manuela Brambatti, Мануэла Брамбатти, Cosimo Vinci, Косимо Винчи]

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Организатор: Robot
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  • 1. ЮлияК
  • 2. Nizi4
  • #1

Иллюстрация и дизайн ювелирных украшений. Часть 1 [Manuela Brambatti, Мануэла Брамбатти, Cosimo Vinci, Косимо Винчи]

Ссылка на картинку
Jewellery Illustration and Design, Vol.1: Techniques for Achieving Professional Results
Иллюстрация и дизайн ювелирных украшений, ч.1: Техники достижения профессиональных результатов

The first volume in this two-part series provides a step-by-step guide to the fundamental aspects of the graphic representation of a wide range of jewellery pieces, from the simplest to the most complex forms. Different volumes, spaces, surfaces and finishes are explained in detail, as are methods for depicting different materials, from timeless metals and precious stones to substances such as celluloid and bakelite.

The objective of this book is not to showcase completed jewellery pieces. Instead, it aims to provide readers with the tools needed to be able to accurately convey their ideas and master use of colour, as well as to draw different facets and effects such as brilliance, transparency and opacity. It does so by explaining a variety of illustration techniques involving pencils, markers, pastels, tempera and computer rendering.

Язык - английский

  • Кол-во стр: 320
  • Формат: скан PDF
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